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Hawthorn: Plant Medicine Immersion

  • Lila Yoga 37 Bruntsfield Place Edinburgh, Scotland, EH10 4HJ United Kingdom (map)

Join me for a 3 week immersion into the deep heart healing medicine of Hawthorn.

Physically, emotionally, and spiritually, Hawthorn is a tonic for the heart.

It helps to restore heart function; nourishing the whole cardiovascular system, regulating heart rate, strengthening cardiac output, improving peripheral circulation, easing high blood pressure, and helping to balance cold and heat throughout the body.

As a tonic for the emotional heart, hawthorn does not sedate nor suppress the emotions but rather lends strength and build resilience to hold what we need to and dive into what we need to while also protecting wounded hearts and upholding the boundaries needed for their healing.

Hawthorn carries the wisdom of the crone, one so deep in her knowledge of and devotion to herself and her wildish nature that she will not be molded to the shape of another’s idea of her; and of the untethered maiden, one who dances and loves freely and revels in the fire of her heart’s emotions and desires.

I have come to hawthorn many times over the years and the depth of her medicine never fails me. I hold a deep respect and love for her wisdom.

We begin in opening circle, Saturday 11th May, 6-9pm at Lila Yoga, Edinburgh. We will share hawthorn tea, talk of her medicine, share some folklore, and be guided through meditation and drumming to journey with her spirit.

You will be given herbs to prepare and sit with each day over the three week immersion and have access to a closed group to share your questions and experiences throughout.

We will meet again on Thursday 23rd May (in the afternoon - time TBC) for a Hawthorn focused herb walk among the beautiful trees of Blackford Hill.

And for a final time in closing circle, Saturday 1st June, 7-9pm at Lila Yoga, to share tea together, share our experiences, and close the journey we have taken together.

The exchange for all gatherings and herbs is £150.

10 February

Mugwort : Plant Medicine Immersion

15 June

Elder: Plant Medicine Immersion