energy work

Clare McQuade Energy Work Edinburgh

Each energy work session lasts for one hour, which includes some time to discuss what you need from the session before we begin. You may come with a specific intention to work on or choose to leave the session open.

We begin with a short meditation. I will guide you through working with the breath to ground into your body and connect with your three energy centres - the mind, heart, and belly. These are the seats of the intellect, intuition, and instinct. We focus on clearing the connection between these centres, allowing balanced energy flow and communication between them.

I use feathers, sound, and my hands to move the energy around you, clearing debris and loosening deeper blockages, using stones to absorb and remove negative energies, and ground you into a deep connection with the earth. I work to soothe areas of over-activity, nourish areas of depletion and strengthen your energetic boundaries.


This clearing work can be powerful in freeing us from the weight of things we no longer need to carry, raising the energy vibration, and bringing us into clearer alignment with ourselves.

After your session, you may want to allow some time for reflection, meditation, journaling, or to spend some time in nature to help the work to integrate and settle with you.